Sunday, January 11, 2009

Too Long!

Happy New Year! Well, this was definitely way too long between postings. I'm not sure where December went, but it was certainly busy with writing, quilting and family. January started with a bout of sickness, but I am now getting back on schedule.

I spoke on the phone with Laura Knorr, the illustrator for A Isn't for Fox and for the new book which we think will be released in about one year. We got to know each other a little bit and had fun discussing and deciding on the basic ideas for the new book. I have never had the opportunity to be part of the illutration process this early in a book's production. It was fun and very educational to learn the issues the illustrator must think about when conceiving a book's look. I can't wait to see the early sketches.

My new publicist, Audrey Mitnick, has been busy working on a signing at L.L. Bean's flagship store in Freeport. I will be there during school vacation week, on February 19th at 10:30 am. There will be authors in the store most days that week and many activities going on for the family. If you aren't jetting off to Florida, stop in for a visit.

I have been sending out manuscripts and have others in the hands of my reader/reviewers for comments. I am also doing research for a middle grade novel set during the Revolutionary War and working on a book to follow up the new one that is in production. There are not enough hours in the day - if I just didn't have to sleep!!!

There are still dates available for school visits. My fee is reasonable and can often be covered by the school's parent group. As spring begins to arrive, it is always good to break up the long routine of winter with a visiting author or other type of guest. Education comes in many forms and fashions, and visitors help keep the students engaged and interested.

Take care, be careful in the snow and enjoy the beauty of winter.

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